
Saturday, June 06, 2020

"Slow to anger but then again the temple got cleared!" and Clubhouse11

So this is a synchronicity of events over several days related to many topics of late so I will just put out the synchs and the movie and you can see how they all interact and gain insights.

Related to Clubhouse presumption
and End of presumptuous with good intentions
the new Netflix movie "The Healer" related to many aspects going on right now

It started with me walking and I had some anger from the presumption of those on Clubhouse

As I walked in Cookeville the name Abigail popped into my mind and then about a block later I walked by David Storm trailer and felt like the David Storm is related to what is going on.

I actually did not look it up until after a storm of synchs last night.

So then last night I began to hear the things about "I can't breathe" and Floyd and the choke hold.

So it popped in my mind how Pam 2 years ago had gone to the hospital and was counting her breaths after an MS attack and was in fear. Go to sleep My Darling

And then the Coronavirus breathing

And then the Floyd "I can't breathe"  

But Breathe was also in the movie "The Healer"

I was very angry after 26yrs of presumptuous women that still will not take the "word of the SPIRIT" seriously and when Pam started watching "The Healer" all the synchs with the serious part of this and about how it is getting to the point where loved ones would begin getting hurt.

Eventually it became so serious and life threatening that I had to let the last bubble float to the top and let my brain die so that I would not presume further and kill my own family.
I have been feeling that those presumptuous whom have worked with me over the years that still JUST WANT TO HUMILIATE me in public are headed for such danger with their own families and I was getting very emotional because even Pam cannot see the seriousness of what is about to happen. When the movie said Abigail, I said "I wrote that while walking" and went to show it to Pam but she also was not interested and it caused great pain that I cannot connect after all that has happened. While she watched the movie she knew I was emotional and in the bathroom I broke down about this and all of a sudden the movie also brought up the breathe in a very obvious synch about Pam and I and what is happening on the planet.

From the website I found related to the movie and the synch for this moment

Breathe, said the wind.

How can I breathe at a time like this,
when the air is full of the smoke
of burning tires, burning lives?
Just breathe, the wind insisted.
Easy for you to say, if the weight of injustice
is not wrapped around your throat,
cutting off all air.
I need you to breathe.
I need you to breathe.
Don’t tell me to be calm
when there are so many reasons
to be angry, so much cause for despair!
I didn’t say to be calm, said the wind,
I said to breathe.
We’re going to need a lot of air

to make this hurricane together.

The move "The Healer" addresses many of the problems related to what I am feeling and was very coincidental last night.

The Healer Jonathan Pryce

First of all if you know me you know I am into electronic engineering and the rest is very related to everything so the best thing to do if you want to understand why you are presumptuous at this time for acting like this let me explain what happened.

So these points play out in the movie

The beginning song related to standing by your man and the SPIRIT
Abigail is young girl that has cancer
The Breathe synch is also in this movie
The Seriousness of getting together at this point and understanding the message and much more.

So watch the movie and it may help you understand that you really don't know my true intentions and your completely presumptuous just like the misunderstandings in the movie.

So it is my intention before things get too serious that you be reached about how you may be presumptuous about the True Intentions of the Heart.

The idea of Abigail being someone that can be relied on and is not presumptuous, and would not seek to humiliate the man and SPIRIT once their hearts are reached because it is actually that they do not know what they are talking about and have judged him over and over in the forums and even now, and then found out they were wrong each time. How far does the patience of the SPIRIT go?
"Slow to anger but then again the temple got cleared!" Not much will be left if I don't reach them

Abigail:wife of King David in the Hebrew Bible's Book of Samuel, and is described as an intelligent, beautiful, loyal woman.

Keeping the energy of "Time is Short" then we watched Garth Brooks  and even though it was on forums we had relationship together and SPIRIT is joined with you in this synch as well as everyone because "everyone on the planet is on this wild ride" for a reason.
I have lived being rejected and humiliated for 40yrs even by those closest to me as I followed the synchs to this day. But soon I will be left with no option except to reject and humiliate YOU before the father and the world!!!!

After pouring out my heart to the SPIRIT last night about the seriousness and the lack of spiritual connection even with those that have experienced it all on the forums over the years. After the movie messages began to come in. 

My first name is Paul but I went by my middle name Steven in California 

Steve READ THIS article!
I think your prophecy abilities is mentioned in it.
I have been saying the Bible was written to warn Christians (they're the only ones who read it) but they have been blinded by the Antichrist and his enablers!

Related Urgency of the Moment


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