Political Theater, Masquerade, Mitch Shark Tank, The Pickle, Unexpected
Synch with Masquerade last year
Selling which idea gets the most American People to APPEAR to follow. They don't have to actually be sold on this, only to appear as they have been sold. But what they are INADVERTENTLY doing is implicating those in their base to agree that their lawless leader is the way to go. But what is actually coming out of all this is not lawless as these manipulating are, it is the perfect SPIRIT working through our intentions to make them perfect. Perfect Love is something you do not do or make, it is something you ALLOW. But first we have to see the imitation through Manipulation and Using Power in a manner it was not intended.
Make no mistake, the end will not be what they intend but we have to go where this is headed in order to see why we cannot follow a leader.
The Coming Crime of Following a Leader
But for now it is these synchs from last year that point at what is going to happen
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Political Theater, Manipulation, And this is the Wild Ride!
This was posted five days after the inauguration and see if you can find all the synchs with this moment
So this is exactly what I experienced in 93 and I am sure Moses experienced when he was thrown out of Egypt and Jesus when he spoke of his experience. Which means this is what humans and Government did through history to take the word from SPIRIT. Spirit saying through Jesus that they did the same thing to ME! It is impossible for such an energy to stop crime when it is crime. Therefore they will never succeed.
Political Theater
Signs and Wonders to Astound Many (Those blinded believing they are doing great!)
Staging the theatricals with no impediment to appear as though they are SMART and powerful.
Get ready for the Wild Ride!
Reagan and Theatrics
Now the pain and fact that there is no government on your side (nowhere to turn) there is only the SPIRIT which leads you through to seeing only SPIRIT toward overcoming. This is the purpose for those experiencing this now.
Political Theater
Signs and Wonders to Astound Many (Those blinded believing they are doing great!)
Staging the theatricals with no impediment to appear as though they are SMART and powerful.
Get ready for the Wild Ride!
Reagan and Theatrics
Now the pain and fact that there is no government on your side (nowhere to turn) there is only the SPIRIT which leads you through to seeing only SPIRIT toward overcoming. This is the purpose for those experiencing this now.
(Someone creating a show in court but it had nothing to do with the truth is what my experience in 1993 was and that is what the Republicans are doing )
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Lying and Blame draws own punishment faster now, Bridge Massacre, Trump Trackdown
Lying and misuse of public trust intentionallyI am feeling something and getting synchs which I will put out later about those that lie knowingly when really the opposite is true. Like those that say things about their opponents that seem bad but it really is what they are doing which is the con man/woman. Such experiences from someone that said they loved me began my journey to understand the "true intentions of the heart" from SPIRIT.
Things are going to start happening immediately to those that block the message of SPIRIT which is the source of all truth. As to reach people with this message is becoming critical to making it much further. (not about the messenger) So things will be happening to those that cannot be reached in order that it speak to those that can be reached. That is the message of reach one to the heart rather than many suffer.
Blame, accusers with hidden true intention of heartAnd those that blame while themselves having much less true intention of heart begin to draw to them their own punishment because their heart lies. What the world would see as the least of the brethren is greater than one of these accusers whose true intention of heart is not being revealed. Let them be cast into a fire of their own punishment because they hide their true intent for money or power etc.
Today started with Pam watching Queen Victoria on PBS and I came in at the moment in S3E2 called "London Bridge is Falling Down" where the Chartists were on the bridge and were about to be gunned down but Queen Victoria allowed their petition. I was later watching colorization of 1940 pictures when the commercials began to come in as games of massacre on bridges such as this one. There were several synchs with this today.
Trump Trackdown
So watch this video about Trump and the end of the world which came out the year I was born 1958.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1D2ynASqe4 and understand that the fantastic is going to be increasing in synchronicity.
Check the dates on all these that spell out this moment
The impassable way , fire
Is the Law now Lawless with this President?
Monday, January 23, 2017
The Pickle
Sunday, January 22, 2012
The Pickle
The Pickle
First humans had to loose themselves
And in doing so they will get themselves in a pickle that they cannot get out of without the SPIRIT
But alone the way like every other new creature they also discovered a lot of wonderful things
And just when it looks like what they overlooked will take ALL humans down what they needed FIRST will again reveal the SMALLEST OF POINTS OVERLOOKED.
Another Reference point to understanding the Spirit
In the beginning I was called Adam, like the first Adam which was the earth
I was alone, and like a dream YOU/You came out from me
In my loneliness, in my bewilderness, through my broken heart YOU/You came.
The Scandal ooooooohhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Could a Scandal be coming?
Edited to add 1-23-12 8:45am PST
Synch with Muffins
Had a personal synch with Muffins where I was at WinCo and they had a muffin taste test and I was surprised by how good they were. Then later Pam without knowing about it decided to make her health food muffins and I realized that they would be better than I expected and they were.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
The Unexspected
Ok, had a very powerful synch with "The Unexpected"
And YOU and I collide and the emotional energy that causes something UNEXPECTED TO HAPPEN.
And YOU and I collide and the emotional energy that causes something UNEXPECTED TO HAPPEN.
Anger, about way Humans disregard the SPIRIT and lift up their interpretations above the SPIRIT. I am feeling a great emotional energy that causes something UNEXPECTED TO HAPPEN.
If I was not going to reach You I would never had been known by You because I would not ever have encountered You as the SPIRIT would keep me in a better place than those energies of the world. I have to go back to another World with YOU/MY LIFE. I have to leave once again the world of humans.
Coming to Know YOU/SPIRIT through the poetry of Jesus then there was that moment where the SPIRIT said to let go of the deluding influence of the Scripture that was not part of the SPIRIT"S use as the enemy had planted many things along with what the SPIRIT spoke, like you pluck out an eye as the Spirit had grown in FORM. Each Person give "their truth" which believing IS REAL.
I finally died, which started the whole world living.
You must let go of the "interpretation" of Jesus which IS SUCH A DELUDING INFLUENCE for what the SPIRIT teaches as that was the reason. All those that love Contrived Love were to be caught in a net as they did not get their interpretation from the SPIRIT. And they don't realise the fine print that says to those unworthy what, such as the so called "Lord's Supper". For what does it say of those that do this unworthily as they are thieves that interpret and deny the SPIRIT. And what does it say but they shall have heaped on them all the terrible things they demanded for others by their JUDGEMENT which is also called THEIR INTERPRETATION.
In the same manner I don't want anyone to "follow" my example or even Jesus's example as "trying to reach humans" is a collision. Rather to "seek the truth from the Spirit for Your life". The stories are to illus-trait the reality of SPIRIT. I need to die that the SPIRIT be born in You. Every prophet of the SPIRIT should say this. For the Word You seek is in Your heart and in Your mouth as You believe and hear from the SPIRIT and You do not need a teacher or a book.
Other links to "the Unexpected" and another Post about "The Unexspected" Edited jan 25th to add this file Here is my audio file to my friend Mark just before the creation of the Unexpected_____________________________________
Woke up in Rohnark Park dreaming about the deluding influence of scripture. Turned on the TV and an Islamic Woman was talking about how the Koran predicts War at the end of times. I thought about how learning from SPIRIT/GOD is the only way to see past the deluding part of the scripture which as the letter indicates leads to DEATH. It actually leads to the IDEA of SIN and of DEATH and leads the "right people on the right" and the "right people on the left" to go to war with their COUNTERPARTS in "other" religion which also the letter is leading to death.
It appears that SPIRIT has used the "sheep" that reject the SPIRIT to build something for another and then the slaughter at the end exists for all that believe the letter which the SPIRIT was spoken of to overcome.
For which of those whose god is the letter and not a SPIRIT can overcome what is coming?
And if ever it was evident that the leaders of this world are the heads of a devouring beast that is meant to consume it's own flock as humans do.
Remember Humans alone kill all their flock, and save none while in the Wild they only purge those whose emotions take them to death by saying "I hate this life, and not believing YOU ARE ABLE to bring redemption from what is not of the SPIRIT.
Able to save from those moments of emotional Vampires.
Now what is taught of the SPIRIT and what of the letter but that the LOVER should let go of everything except for that from the SPIRIT which is good. As there is no hint of evil or the idea of evil from the SPIRIT this is reserved for those that interpret that they may believe unto themselves what they believe is EVIL since in one moment they see they have followed the rightness of man through interpretation rather than the rightness of SPIRIT which is to stay in a wonderful place relative to what the SPIRIT is speaking.
I also am looking at the tweets like the southern california train crash conductor who tweeted many to death of whom he was responsible.http://www.stephentree.com/weaknesslaw/
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