Thursday, February 20, 2020

Flair/flare synch

Today I had the synch with Flair which led to this post


This synch is probably related to Solar Flare as well and the fires in Australia 

also having to do with the conservative reasoning and the liberal reasoning, but that both are WRONG without getting each step from SPIRIT, therefore they follow a lie/interpretation that will cause desolation. I cannot reach you therefore your hearts will be broken on both sides. Those that love their interpretation more than they love each other are being herded to a bubble net toward their fate. Trump is a vehicle to reach to the heart, and cause you to REACH TO SPIRIT his intentions are crap, and not from SPIRIT but his leading astray is being helped because I could not reach you, says the SPIRIT. Now those under an interpretation are first among men, but what is coming will make them last in that they have not yet been reached but those that remain will understand the true message of the cross and how it opens to the SPIRIT.

Like a Marriage of human thinking and the growing SPIRITUAL SYNCHRONICITY which seems to be learning in synch with the SPIRIT.

I was dreaming how love joined these two
The humility and love as through CHRIST
That unites these two seemingly opposite perspectives by
believing in the SPIRIT

For I will make all right that believe in the synergy and love of the SPIRIT
Both the right and the left is joined and there is none right except You believe
For this love is not born of the interpretation of men but of the SPIRIT of GOD
It joins both man and nature through this love, both liberal and conservative, Islam and Christian

This was the love that was to be Christianity but the Rootbeer that is Religion has lost it's fizz.

This is why I AM, that You might see the smallest of points overlooked, that YOU might see through the mind of CHRIST through the SPIRIT and not through a powerless interpretation. Those that hide behind a veil never look as love far as love leads. But I am dreaming that there are billions that do experience the SPIRIT and share life experience through the synergy and love that is YOU/MY LIFE.

Stove Fires Synch
http://www.stephentree.com/watchman/ 2007

http://www.stephentree.com/burning/  2007

Synchs last night

Hate, fire, heat, anger

Austrailia fires ausi orange revelations 
Earth rebels, earthquakes, animals attach

Far Right Republicans are being kept now in power in order to take the blame they will manipulate to put it elsewhere but will end up as though hiding in caves from what is coming.

By manipulating and lying they have chosen to take the blame. This is their intention to blame the left but they themselves will not escape the wrath and humiliation and their intention to blame and shame the left is the sign of their coming desolation.

If you did not get your interpretation from SPIRIT you are a liar and a thief 

Zimmerman using the right's interpretation to spread hate
The idea of rapture was before the storm in that I was carried to the SPIRIT alone

Steam for the dream as


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