Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Fragrance, Ancestors, synchs right on time

My dog Byrd and I walked our dirt road to the top of the slope and I turned around. I noticed that Byrd did not follow me so I called him, but he was engrossed by the smell of deer droppings so I had to call him again. I asked and Ancestral Memory through fragrance was the message I got. In other words, what he was seeing that matched the fragrance was a memory more interesting than tv to a human. Byrd finally turned and ran to show his intent to come when I called. As we began to walk back to the cabin the words came to me.

"YOU" have smelled that RAT before
Orkin Man synch Feb 21st 2019 but started in 2014

How else could I have known "His Head was Rising"?

I feel it is not the person but something else like a movement, an authoritarian manipulation and lie.
Predictions Trump

I saw that with Jesus and what happened in society was like a shift from Monotheism to Rome and then worship according to your own gods. But the lying manipulation is rising again but it is not for the reasons being lied about. How can you trust the a"true intentions of the heart" when money and lies are everywhere. His base sees he lies but thinks he is lying to win for them when really they will be dumped when they are not needed or are no longer useful. (Divorced)

You have so many more "real friends inside" than you do outside your skin/veil. When the veil of this flesh is lifted "YOU and I are one" So it is "YOU/MY LIFE" that I am speaking with.

The SPIRIT says "The Sheep Know My Voice"
The Nostrils of the heart are first sharply opened by pain and kept open by Love and Joy and Passion leading to the fragrance of the heart.


Related synchs pointed others are looking at

Synchs from this date
Wow, this is related to the Rat Synch
I give my anger for my enemies to Spirit, that YOU might manifest perfect love.


These are predictions about what you are drawing to yourselves. I will not hurt anyone, but Perfect Love is better than a bullet reaching to the heart and what others draw to themselves in order to reach the masses about SPIRIT is on them.


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