Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Trump Must Cease and Desist along with the GOP as Hell is coming and everyone loses

The gravity of this moment is beyond comprehension without knowing the SPIRIT related to China and Shame and Blame

 https://twitter.com/dnatree/status/1263110825977487361 (Related to blaming China)

Shame and blame will only lead to desolation while understanding our responsibility as well will lead to great changestwitter.com/dnatree/statusIf you do not respond to this moment properly desolation is assured @realDonaldTrump
and then

Because all has been predicted and the "hard man" president that so many believe they want is leading to a horrible outcome because it is not the truth, it is a masquerade and an act.
After getting on Twitter to notify Marsha Blackburn of the need for a meeting to reveal what has been overlooked I then encountered the Michigan Dam Breaching news and immediately the image of how the law has been pushed out by those believing themselves right because they follow a "leader" who is also PRESUMPTUOUS. There are enemies within and without that are wanting to destroy this country and are working hard to do so.
The synchronicity indicates that the Dam Breaking in Michigan is also poetry for what the "self right" on the right are doing in that state and in this country
When the Levee Breaks dnatreeWhen the Levee Breaks Stephentree.com
The actual reason for the Epidemic which was predicted one year before it happened is presumption of "Ultimate Authority" because of an interpretation without SPIRIT
Note: Twitter was used to timestamp each event before it happened as well as the blogand the forum members experiences also testify to this fact.
All these things have been predicted and the intention given to the SPIRIT as to why Scarlet must be brought to her knees and why Leaders Lead Astray, Stuck, and the Humiliation that is coming for all who presume an interpretation or ideology is rightness.
https://dnatree.blogspot.com/2020/03/the-latest-all-was-predicted-including.htmlThe "hard man" is blinded as his base is and it is leading to great humiliation and desolationbecause his "right hand" has put out what he and his base which "love a lie" is leading tohttp://dnatree.blogspot.com/2020/05/this-predicted-summer-death-valley.html
You don't understand and you must cease and desist the shame and blame as all hell is going to break loose and you will find out you have overlooked the smallest of points. It was for this reason that all this was intended in 1993 as you will learn by "think tanking" the tree of synchs


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