Thursday, December 03, 2020

Last few nights

 Been having a lot of synchs but I have not had the passion to write them because though all has come true nobody gets the see them. Surely you have seen the tree of synchs reveal what is going on over the years since 1993.

Intentions grow like a Tree

But I found without the SPIRIT guiding, intentions grow to desolation. You can do anything with the SPIRIT's guidance and it fits as it is made perfect. This is the perfection of the SPIRIT, not what you do.

Intentions seeking the SPIRIT leads to a very profound experience, meant to reach to the heart. To open you up and allow you to hear.

Stop the lies Trump so that those 70 million can be reached to the heart, your intention only leads to Horror because you did not start with the original intent.

The Fire so Hot is hell, this never ending argument of presumptions without the SPIRIT, leave the Struggle!

Synchronicity with the SPIRIT that spoke through "such as Jesus" is love, a profound intention to only know YOU. You may lose your life as you presume it but you will find what you were looking for.

Whatever limitation, anxiety, I don't try to fix it, I stay each moment with YOU and when the storm passes over, I let it pass over and I then see it was never as I feared. The tribulation the only thing to fear is your presumptions as it is you reacting that defiles your moments. I let the storm pass over and each time I remembrer how well YOU treated me through the last experience and each time a greater grace shows up.

Barr never too late!

YOUR body which was given to us

The DNA is the mountain scape of human experience as YOU rise again in me

Having experience that originates from this Tree is experience for the SPIRIT's sake.


DNA Poetry

Poet-Tree Fruit upon which the soul feeds

I think about God

Now I think about ancestors

Then Experience that is the DNA Tree which shows up in matching moment of experience such as experience related to seeking YOU.

Now think about "This is my body"

Soul growth, interpretaiton without the SPIRIT leading is not the original intent but was intended for those hiding behind a veil of interpretation about Jesus.

What draws DNA similtude/poetry experience?

Fragrance of the heart, poetry of the physical manifestation of the SPIRIT in nature

Like the Honeybee and the Appletree

12 Tribes dna Koran Bible Torah Buddah Trees of Fruit each remains because it is as the trees lining the path as though to the new Jerusalem

Fruit on the tree, we let our hearts unfold like an apple tree, as upon the fruit each moment we feed.

Trump has great passion, but without the SPIRIT's guiding leads to desolation.

He lives unveiled but without the SPIRIT you only offend

Gudance of the SPIRIT is a lifelong art

I was placed in a situation like Humans and Coronavirus where I became very unsure of a future. I had experience seeking the SPIRIT but had not had my heart opened to see YOU as yet. I knew of you, the synchs spoke of YOU, but until I experienced such as the cross I never really knew YOU.

I needed to get holy intentful and let go of everything that hindered my connection through synchronicity, that is why I lived alone,, but I was with YOU/MY LIFE.

I needed continuously a fresh sanctuary with YOU, like the body needs fresh food,,,, I needed a sanctuary that was ever changing and yet with the SPIRIT of place/YOU.

The Tree you were nailed to is that dnatree. One first seeks the SPIRIT with great passion and then through that "wild ride" works out salvation which is of the SPIRIT with great awe and passion. 


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