Weird synch
Weird synch today when I went for the first time in weeks to close a window and the tv said there was someone looking in the window (from outside) who was green (jealous) with a very sinister look about them but not speaking a word. In fact acting the opposite.
The shame that is given will extend to all humanity because they love their idol/interpretation more than they love each other.
Let those who wish to live consider the following. One person is in total fear and not realizing that their fears draw to them similar as they fear.
Another is confident and more is being added unto them but what is the secret in their being that keeps the fear at bay. Why it is the fantasy of the lover and the dream encompassing many layers that chases away any other thought. Even without shame dreaming of SPIRIT with the same layers of passion and even the fragrance of the lover which those believing this to be shameful cannot attain. Wild hearts can't be broken, but the shameful are they that use sex for profit instead of relationship and coming to know you.
Yes, this fire was predicted and the tables will turn as mysteriously the inner secrets of the heart which the law and those shaming believed impossible to be revealed will start the inferno Was not all these thing predicted because words could not reach you. You love shame, you love blame, you love humiliating others,,,it will be yours for eternity!!!!! The fire that burns for eternity. And what when you find the inteprretation of the person you worship is actually the very one you despise? Yes, Jesus, for he spoke of his humiliation, how they will hate you too above all men as they hated him. But he was speaking of what happened to him before his passion play, having been despite-fully used he let it all play out in poetry. Like my own experience with the barefaced liar that used law, and marriage and manipulation in a manner it was not intended. For to save that one I wanted to reveal it to my family so the prediction came true with such barefaced lying and manipulation, and then predicted in politics and it is now in the beginning of the wild ride! Where SPIRIT will speak, and the desolation that will be because of separation between YOU and I, Men and Women, Dem and Repub, Islam and Christian, Black and white.
And who is right, none, no not one. All deserve death.
Oh, yes, let the smallest of points overlooked by the planners that scheme to manipulate society and each other be revealed and continuously let them fail who plan rather than trust SPIRIT. Let the women that manipulate and use shame for profit have what they did not expect reveal and humiliate them as they have hidden in their hearts for so long to take advantage let it be done to them.
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