Sunday, September 16, 2018

Unhinged, off the deep end

Tomorrow feels like a very pronounced day in the baptismal rain story of North Carolina, too bad so many cannot hear the story because of unbelief. 

  1. mentally unbalanced; deranged.

    "the violent acts of unhinged minds"
To run into the word UNHINGED in several different contexts, which had nothing to do with the new book by Omarosa,  feels as though the insanity of the one person sitting in our father's seat that uses fear and divisiveness to manipulate masses of people. That as this person gets pushed closer to the edge that this word will best reveal how he will go off the deep end. After all anyone that learns a way to trick people seems smart until you see the pattern that reveals it is just a cheap trick. The SPIRIT knows every nuance of such a mind and what he will do next and knows exactly that smallest of points such a simple mind has overlooked and in reality knows how to catch the evangelists, the politicians, and even the sheep in a net and reveal the hearts of all who are hiding by using the actions and reactions of those that believe they are in charge when really none of them are when you see how the SPIRIT uses the synergy of all that is happening in this time of seeming chaos.

The synchs with orange is coming leaders lead astray, and the great humiliation started with the Orange event in 2006, then more synchs in 2009  " puzzling over the evidence"

By believing the synchs and being nice to people we allow the SPIRIT to do what no man can do. This is one of the greatest reasons for just remaining happy through this wild ride we are all on.

I mean be nice because every interpretation or ideology is wrong, because everyone is wrong. But that really does not matter as it was always the SPIRIT meant to do it through the individual and not having a right interpretation as though having one could save you. 

The original intent of "the SPIRIT speaking through Jesus" was your letting the SPIRIT do it through you. Not you doing it... that is simply ludicrous to believe you can be that perfect... no, perfection is the job of the SPIRIT through you, not anyting you can learn to do. Why you don't DO magic,,,, you allow it to happen. But those who love their interpretations will be stumbling over their beliefs and will find it so very hard to allow anything to work without mucking it up with their intellect.


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