
Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Be it unto you as you have spoken Trump

Today in the News
Be it unto you according to your own beliefs and the beliefs of your base
They should have sought the SPIRIT instead of Manipulation by Interpretation and Ideology
I am not condemning I am revealing how you have condemned yourselves
His 42 Months of Spewing are almost over

Trump Compares Impeachment to Lynching

The majority of your base believes two things about this, number 1: that lynching is ok for those you hate and without a crime and number 2: they believe these words in the bible "do unto others as you would have them do to you." Based upon this and the prediction that those that love to punish will draw their own punishment. I would say that you are drawing the following

Trump is Drawing his own punishment and if they knew the true hidden intention of your heart that a lynching it would be. This is the beliefs of your base not mine. You are drawing your own end.

Trump Calling for Republicans to be more tough on Impeachment

The Intentions of the Heart of someone with real Spiritual Power instead of using the office, money, manipulation and lies is what is keeping you in office and is keeping you from being dragged out in the street and according to your own words "lynched". The Intentions are that you reach the hearts of not only Americans by your abomination of use of power in a manner it was not intended (as predicted) but that Americans might live by seeing what they have overlooked by interpreting without SPIRIT, while also reaching the world as the SPIRIT has said will happen. You will do this through your FAILURE! Actually it is already done (As your every move is already known) and it is because of you that ONLY TRUE SERVANTS will remain.

Trump says he may Terminate New York Times and Washington post from the White House altogether.

Yes, You will be terminated from the White House though you will still try to have your voice animated through another "beast" which will end leaders and people will seek leadership from within with true intention or die.

By your words you make your base culpable, and they also are emboldened to believe in hate. You think that you are using them as a bat but what you are doing is REVEALING THE TRUE INTENTIONS OF THE HEART OF THOSE HIDING BEHIND A VEIL OF INTERPRETATION in order that they might judge themselves. And the SPIRIT will use such as this on both sides to destroy the his enemies as predicted.

 As I finished writing this Pam's Phone rang and I did not have time to get to it but what popped up on the screen was these words as today's Aries Horoscope

It's interesting how often we're encouraged to speak our minds and be honest with others. When we do, they can feel affronted. They resent the fact we were so truthful and prefer that we omit parts of our message. Someone might reel briefly from the blunt truth you bring to a particular conversation or exchange. You know it's for their own good. Soon, they will accept this
Past synchs on or about this date
You too have followed a lie
Exactly at the right moment!
Silence is Coming

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