
Monday, August 03, 2020

Welcome to the new world and hydroxychloroquine

The way life works with synchronicity with SPIRIT is like in my life in California and now in Tennessee I am put in a place where my intentions and dreams synch up with opportunities to fulfill them. My life in California was wonderful for placing me in beautiful fresh sanctuaries where I had the chance to write the synchs that were building up to what is happening in the world now.  Then as the "Orange Event" neared I was prodded to make the move and come to Tennessee and build the cabin I dreamed up building in the "Universal Dream of Finding Home".  I had everything I needed in California but did not have a retirement home and was renting and if I was still there it would have not worked but MY LIFE through the synchs with SPIRIT places me in the right place at the right time. Now let me add that those that believe themselves smart because they have an angle or have learned like the Con Man to manipulate others will be led by their own presumption to do certain things and as the reality changes what used to work for such a person will place them in hot water (Pun on the lake of fire) while those with True Intention of heart working with their lives in synchronicity will find themselves in the right place at the right time. Let this ever more increase so that smart is revealed to have overlooked the smallest of points, I feel that this WILL increase to the point where words did not work but the obvious motivates the smart to develop that weakness placing the last as first and the first as last because of their ego's and presumptions. Welcome to the new world! This scenerio with life seems to keep playing out in my reality with others and I feel that it will ever more increase.

So following "your" synchs with SPIRIT leads you let's say to point A and being Smart leads people to let's say point B and then the "unexpected" happens and it turns out point B is in hot water while point A is in the right place at the right time.

Let the whole world and leaders be confounded by the SPIRIT

When I went through the experience that humans are now experiencing I let go of all bills that I could not pay and focused my resources on a simple home and food and basic systems I created through the synchs each day made for a wonderful life. Having so much can become a burden in times like this.

In similar fashion I would let those who politically want to push hydroxychloroquine or back those that do to comit that if they get covid that is their (smart) choice of treatment, while those on the left may try other treatments and then let us gauge the effectiveness. Sort of like King Solomon and the baby when Quotetwo women both claiming to be the mother of a childSolomon revealed their true feelings and relationship to the child by suggesting to cut the baby in two, with each woman to receive half. Then the truth comes out instead of this political manipulation by a lying devil.


Synchs leading up to this

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