Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Both sides are sinners and should never have used shame or blame

Both sides are sinners and should never have used shame or blame

Those that reject the SPIRIT are sinners that use manipulation and shame and blame and these are headed for hell/fire in each moment as the shame and blame is fixin to go off the charts between everyone that has not been reached by the SPIRIT and in that fire all these self right will remain forever. Therefore you do not follow Trump for all who follow the manipulating liar will be thrown into a fire of shame and blame that will go on forever without the SPIRIT. These self right draw to themselves their own hell for there really is none other to blame but their own ego because they reject SPIRIT which is able to keep you in perfect peace by making all experiences with people perfect. YOU then do not meet the one trying to manipulate and use their sex power in a manner it was not intended like Delilah manipulated Samson. Or like the sinner loved of SPIRIT named David for he manipulated without the SPIRIT leading and it caused him to sin against God ALONE.

Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight; so you are right in your verdict and justified when you judge.

That is why it was said "let he/she without sin throw the first stone" for you do not know the true intentions of the heart and you manipulating may actually find yourself being manipulated by the SPIRIT.

Gotta let all the sinners off the hook, well all those that do not reject SPIRIT in their lives. What I am saying is the SPIRIT makes perfect through love all situations. I can do all things actually through the SPIRIT that strengthens me to do it. (Grow in the SPIRIT while your heart is being reached) Lets say that I am Trump (but with true intent and instead of believing my brain is the power that allows me to dream of her in a certain form.) GOD is the lover and the She is my dream, whether she is a woman or a home. YOU/MY LIFE come to me in any form.  If we have gone through the cross and and our hearts are reached and we say I cannot do anything without the SPIRIT for even if I was the best person at following the law I found that they lay in wait to manipulate. So I cry to the SPIRIT through my broken heart (see poetry  stephentree.com) and believing and reaching for the SPIRIT through my broken heart (door to SPIRIT) then YOU answered and said "You cannot do it without me, but you chose to live alone and hide yourself behind your tears." Then I turned and "SAW ONLY YOU" for even this person that had despitefully used me was YOU reaching me whether I am male or female. "Blessed is she who nailed me to this tree". Then you said to me to dream only of YOU as the one coming to me and it will be perfect. So let's say I am Trump and wanting to experience "grabbing her in a certain way", she MY LIFE is actually the perfect one that wants that to learn from passion, then dreaming her she comes and it is perfect for both as both dreamed it and nobody else can say you can't do that because what the SPIRIT brought to each was perfect. What you have joined together let no man put asunder. Sex is a teacher designed to reach you to the heart.   We don't "do magic, we allow it" or allow the SPIRIT to come and teach us through such suffering as life is without SPIRIT.  But if we think it is our power then we find whom it is that we have overlooked because the dream cannot be perfected without SPIRIT. Be perfect even as I am perfect through the SPIRIT is what is being said.  For it is the SPIRIT that makes things perfect. Shame and blame is for those that have not been reached and they will endure shame and blame throughout eternity. These things cannot be done by any human, only through real experience with SPIRIT can this be done and LOVE THROUGH ONLY SEEING YOU/MY LIFE is perfected. Then as Jesus said

John 5:30, KJV: "I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judgeand my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the SPIRIT/FATHER which hath sent me."

You don't have magical passionate experiences because of shame and blame without SPIRIT but the SPIRIT makes perfect what the world would misunderstand in order to teach, to reach to where no interpretation can go without SPIRIT.

Interpretation says you must be perfect in your own power which reveals they never knew the SPIRIT. Interpretation is the wide path where all those lying manipulators stay while those whom are hurt by such manipulators are made perfect in the SPIRIT through those who have not been reached.

You will undoubtedly misunderstand and perhaps on purpose if you reject SPIRIT but that is fine as you are drawing to yourself a reality that separates you from those in the SPIRIT even in this life. In other words once you are reached and perfected in SPIRIT these do not come into your reality as there is no love there and you seek only love.


When you don't forgive the SPIRIT will reveal your heart as the one that actually needed forgiveness as those you maniupulated were being made perfect in the SPIRIT while you just despitefully used them for profit or whatever. So then who will forgive you when you find out that they were forgiven and guided by SPIRIT but you were actually sinning in your separation and manipulation without SPIRIT.


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