Wednesday, November 06, 2024

The synchs won't let me leave

 So the synchs won't let me leave though I wanted so desperately to because nobody cared ...but...

I often go to the same date in my blog looking for synchs to draw on and this was perfect


Crushing expectations broken hearts initially one side but then it turns 

. Necessary to reunite America. Humiliation of the cross


I had this next synch earlier before I found the Nov 11 synch

So, those last according to Christianity will be so despitefully used that they will be first to be reached by the SPIRIT. 

Same Christianity as they are veiled by, but just the other side of the broken heart/cross

 Like the Jolt that started me down this path I am from the same Christianity as they are veiled by, but just the other side of the broken heart/cross separating YOU and I. I go to be alone with YOU, MY LIFE. I want to paint it again, and paint it brighter! I am best alone with you, my life. Mutual intention, synergize in love with them as the broken heart will teach you now, you don't need me.

My intention NEVER was to win, but to reach You to the heart! Bring this world back to the garden. It does not mean stopping what your doing but just growing in the SPIRIT. This time of trouble will assist you in getting to the heart of things. Silence, away from politics, religious presumption and wait for YOU, MY LIFE.


I don't know what I am doing, I have just always trusted the SPIRIT that started in 1980, and always sought to know the true intentions of the heart of Jesus. You'll see what happens to them that are hiding behind religion, thinking it is safe.

2 Ginger Snaps changed my mood

Keep pursuing whatever is good, whatever is love seeking the SPIRIT, you know like a good democrat that is not hiding behind religion but waiting on YOU, MY LIFE the SPIRIT

Please, child, open your eyes don't die ... synch

Playing helps me stay up in joy and find YOU in synchronicity

So I want the SPIRIT to take me up out of here as I only came to Tennessee to reach my family and Christianity about the SPIRIT but that was rejected and I want to be,,, um raptured up out of this to go be with YOU, MY LIFE as I have always been.