
Saturday, March 28, 2020

The Reasons the "UNEXPECTED" happened

The reason the "unexpected" happened is because Americans "love a lie" and if they were not reached to the heart the unthinkable would happen. You don't believe it then you are at risk.
You don't understand the Pickle you are in
You may misunderstand me, (on purpose) but DO NOT misunderstand (none will escape, nor humiliate) the Spirit when it begins SPEAKING through the coming events. 2011
The Purpose of all this is to SAVE LIVES
Just because you don't believe it does not mean it is not true
Smallest of Points overlooked
No More Leaders Only Servants between SPIRIT and Man

Friday, January 24, 2020

Is Something Unexpected is about to Happen!/Death Valley

Using the Office of the President in a Manner that cannot be allowed

Trump MUST humble himself and confess to lying to the American People and allow True Servants to take over and he knows why (PRESUMPTION)

The Veil between Humans and Nature must be lifted or else

Trump and his Base "love a lie" Trump for Money, Base for Self Rightness

The "unexpected" and pickle/stuck synch and why it had to show the Masquerade that is Trump and all under his hat/     MONEY

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.


Monday, December 31, 2012

Earthquake, Leaders Lead Astray, Stuck, Redemption,,,Impassable Way

What a wild adventure I had and it feels like it spells out many synchs of late as illustrated in the title. I really had a great time through this experience on the edge.The earthquake part is not necessarily an actual earthquake but the MOMENT that You find Yourself in a situation.


The End of Presumption

March 17th 2019 OUT OF THE BLUE, Mob boss synch

If you cannot be reached the unthinkable is going to happen

Leaders as servants I do need you, but if we allow this to go much further there will
be little to save and you will just be in the way!

Swarm Theory
Be Guided by the SPIRIT through synchronicity and
Synergize with each other in love to find the answer

A terrible SPIRIT about money is lying for profit
Do not follow an order from someone blinded by money
"Those with an ear learn the ways of SPIRIT"

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Epidemic, Dance, Morning Routine

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