
Saturday, April 04, 2020

Inheritance, Trump Worship, Twitter and leaders blocking, Scarlet's Battery

In 1993
My life seemed over, I was afraid to walk out to the mailbox as it seemed my world was coming to an end. I had so many problems as I had lost my income and she had set me up terribly on so many fronts. Life seemed as though it was out to kill me.

I had nothing I could do but think of YOU/MY LIFE

about twelve years before this I was very intentional about knowing the True Intentions of the heart of Jesus and kept seeking to be led by the SPIRIT and holding that intent until the synchronicities started with "The Inheritance of the saints'in light"

This sounded so good and the synchs began with the word Inheritance


Synchronicity was the beginning of my experience back in 1980. I used to study bible 6-8 hours a night and

prayed about baptism and the word inheritance one night and began to write a poem about how the poem I was writing was my deed to my inheritance.( I did not know what I was writing) the next day I hopped in my truck on the way to work and when I turned the radio on the first word out of the radio was the word inheritance. The man went on to say on the radio that a man died and so a young man received a deed for a piece of land and the man called up his lawyer and asked,“how do I know this land really exists, all I have is this paper” The lawyer said, “do you see the seal on that piece of paper” to which the young man replied “yes” ,,, The lawyer then said “that seal tells you that that land exists. That began the synchronicities that because of being labeled a fool I had to keep quiet about for 20 years. At first I had many experiences with the word inheritance. Then the synchronicities began to speak of the 12 tribes of the Isrealites and then the 12 tribes of the American Indians. Of the Zodiac, of the twelve months, twelve tones and twelve hours. And of whole systems and systems theory. Then the synchronicity with the wordsynergy.syn·er·gy   Pronunciation Key  

So over the years I had learned a lot from SPIRIT about the poetry of things like water being understanding that comes from YOU and Wine is that understanding becoming life like the LIFE I live now.

 So each day over about 12 years I grew in the synchs with SPIRIT, I also grew in my understanding of Jesus but there came a time when I knew I needed the SPIRIT to reveal the meaning of what I had read and not to "interpret" for the SPIRIT.

I knew I had to let  YOU/MY LIFE do it through me so I gave up on trying to be good after having True Intention of Heart I had tried but failed over and over. About the best thing all that placed into me was "how can I judge anyone else when I could not be as I thought Jesus wanted me to be?"

So having all this experience with SPIRIT I knew YOU were there but had no idea how YOU would accomplish this through me. So I just went on having the synchs and growing in the SPIRIT until......

The day my world ended

In that MOMENT there became "ONLY YOU AND I MY LIFE"

No longer did humans exist, or anything except it come in the form of YOU.

Through the energy of the poison you make everything happen for me by my attention to SPIRIT

Each day I had to have SOMETHING FRESH, SOMETHING NEW, SOMETHING THAT REMINDED ME OF YOU to carry with me that day and keep my mind close to YOU.

I found when I stayed close to YOU that all fear was cast out.

I had been JOLTED, I was all shook up 
I found I needed to jolt myself or life would do it in a manner I did not intend
So I would go out on the street looking for YOU fresh each day in a moment in a place alone each day I would walk sometimes for three days holding a deep emptiness which was the vacuum that drew you to me.

So I left the struggle of human reality for many years and stayed with the SPIRIT to experience "Something Wild that was leading me home".

Ok that is all for now on that subject


I am noticing how Trump is trying to get all the attention/worship and is blocking the door to the SPIRIT in the Temple and I cannot reach you past all the hype. I imagine that will be "vaporized" soon. Just saying if you put your (tiny pond) brain above the SPIRIT... OOOH boy I would not want to be him right now.

But anyway I see the SPIRIT working through so many "like Norah and CBS lately" I hear the SPIRIT speaking through so many though they may have never heard of me. So I think the SPIRIT is doing it anyway and I should just go away as I am though here and the SPIRIT will lead those that remain after three years.

My intention because of my love of technology and of the SPIRIT was having been raised conservative and that led me to such experience that I laid aside to 'KNOW YOU" and then you took everything that was my life and synergised it for good and for such a wonderful growing life where I dream up a business and work little as long as I keep my mind on YOU. That is what I wanted for my own. But they want it there way or the highway and so I guess it will be the hard way and humans will think it a crime to follow a leader much longer. Oh well

I like this peaceful calm before the storm don't you

It's gonna be Perfect

I loved the dream of synergy and synchronicity between YOU and I but "You give me no choice, I cannot reach You past those You have chosen before the SPIRIT".

Since I cannot reach you and twitter and some others are working to keep the message from you as they want to control you with Trump's message, it will be that they draw to themselves as they believe the end should be without understanding why. That is horrible but it is the way the world is and what you put before SPIRIT will now become a stumbling block. So I am waiting for something to happen and I will recognize the moment and perhaps a spaceship will take me away from these dead people. They don't want me or need me or the SPIRIT they believe so they will stumble and struggle on their way to the cross and wonder why?

There is no encouragement or feedback in 26yrs I think I have to let you ride it out on your own. I would like to go away and let the SPIRIT complete this work and meet you at the appointed time. I wanted to thwart all of this but though the liar and chief came and holds your attention/worship there is not room for me here so it may have to be the way you believed instead. I really want to go keep my attention with SPIRIT in a vast empty place like out west but with a coffee shop in a little town and just be with YOU/MY LIFE until after all my sorrow is washed away.

If you don't care then what am I doing here?

Synchs from the 4th to the 7th of April over the years

Synch with the End of the Trail

I just went to facebook and some of my family had posted this story about two men side by side in a hospice

But the amazing synch is we had just watched "Reach For ME" last night on Netflix

We who have traveled so far on this path to reach You, "we are happy, tired, and sad all at the same time as this journey is almost over." Words on the TV just now "Wagon Train"
Wagon Train
The Last Circle Up
Celebration and sadness, love and hate, birth and death—all intermingle as the wagon train nears the end.
Path does not end for You
Those that believe in Punishment are drawing their own Punishment now and the
Get off my planet! Synch

Ok seeds are planted I want to go somewhere joyful for a while as I am tired of this.

Oh, I dont' even want to post anymore with no feedback but the battery synch came back up so
Scarlet brought to her knees and the charger being the influx of cash and finding our way home.
And Something Wild . Of course those who worship the interpretation would be repelled by SPIRIT it is perfect! Spring is making this garden new again.

I guess the smart people and Trump really are that stupid and are being blinded in order to lead them to their hell or being last or dead. Oh well!

The Reasons the "unexpected" happened and it was predicted as the "Orange Event" over the years

Yes Schiff Trump is making sure that humans never trust a leader again, we only need True Servants because it is a crime to lift up someone in front of the SPIRIT like Kim Jong IL right before he died. Don't blame me, you have done this to yourself Trump.

Something Wild 
Arise, MY LOVE
Arise I like this as it is also completely true but not according to interpretation but by the SPIRIT

Music today

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