
Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Panic on Pennsylvania Ave.

So tonight I was strangly drawn to "An evening with Beverly Luaf Linn" and it was stupid but it took me away from thinking about Trump and Barr and Mitch  and the horror that is their intention that is born from hell.

Anyway, wanting to keep this comical I again had the synch with "Panic attacks"

Link CtlF "Panic Attacks"

He's had terrifying panic attacks since we were children because he choked on too much breast milk as a baby.

So you might recall I have been having the synch with Panic Attack that started when Trump was in Tulsa at his rally the synch with "panic" started then and changed to Panic Attack that night.

So tonight when I heard the synch with "Panic Attack" in this strange movie I decided to search for my synchs with "Panic" and found "Panic on Pennsylvania St".

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Thursday, January 30, 2020

More Sinkhole things happening right now


Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Travel and Write and added Manhole synchs

America, words don't come easy to me, I guess that is why I could not reach you. Both sides are on the path but just at different points along the way. But it was the SPIRIT that was to lead us into all truth.

Presumptions will ruin it for you, because you did not wait on the SPIRIT.

So the Tomato synch also is strange but I will add this strange thing to it.

I have a feeling it will be the Tomato that wins

The smallest of points overlooked that is going to happen that will change the world is the smallest of points everyone has overlooked!

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