Sunday, March 08, 2020

Meetings with Officials Cookeville, Tornado and Epidemic Predicted

I awoke at 5am this morning with many things on my mind. The synchs that spell out what is going on are not reaching you and I need to first engage the liberal/spiritual community in Cookeville to begin working with them and the synchs so that when Cookeville is again spoken to by the SPIRIT we have a warm base to begin working with officials to save lives. Because the lack of belief and response is going to get Cookeville singled out by what you cannot imagine to be reached otherwise. Rather I want to first engage those that would be open to what is really going on the liberal side as they would be more open to the message first. So first I will set up meetings with democratic leaders and such as Unity Church people and get them involved in these synchs and what they are saying. I need to set up meetings with those in Cookeville! If the SPIRIT is not responded to then I am sure more is coming. All these predictions were timestamped on twitter as well. steven@stephentree.com
If it takes making each of you start having bad days until you respond then that is my request of SPIRIT to get your attention because what has been overlooked is going to be so much more devastating soon.

The SPIRIT has this response for the lawless leader

I am looking at several of the synchs to start with but first this one seems to be a starting place and that was the prediction in January warning of these events.

Leading up to the Surprise Tornado

Need to Interact with a group now
Further Warning!
Days just before the storm on the 4th
Epidemic predicted  On Feb 11th 2020, the synch from Feb 19th 2019 was reposted
Epidemic synch right on time
Nature going to rebel

Predictions the day before Tornado

Tuesday, March 03, 2020

March 4th and Something Haunting is Coming

Predictions the day before Tornado

Scorpion Dispatched, Surprise, Story

I had another synch about the Scorpion Dispatched here is a video 

Seems to be related to the rich that believe everyone is beneath them.   (Beecham House)
This could be related to a scorpio politician as scorpion is narcissistic and violent



"Maybe I AM the Surprise"
Surprise synchs


This post March 1st 2020 laid out the synchs in March which when looked out are exactly what happened and is happening
Whale Breaching Tunnel of death prediction

The Surprise and Unexpected synchs leading up to the 2nd of March
If you search the synchs for "Surprise and Unexpected
March 1st
Sunday, March 01, 2020

Coronavirus is not the only Surprise, Tools going away, Guitar synch

The Corona Virus is not the only Unexpected EVENT
The SPIRIT brings what is needed to reveal what is hidden

New Surprise(s) Coming
I noticed in the March synchs over the years that the SPIRIT had used the word Surprise and Unexpected a lot. And I am here to tell you that the way to catch a lying manipulator is not to let them control the manipulations but rather to manipulate the manipulators by allowing them to experience the same thing they put out that took advantage of their office in a manner it was not intended.

I had over 60 synchs with surprise and many are very good for YOU and I on this planet but for the manipulators the surprise will be getting stuck to where without the SPIRIT they cannot go on like the impassable way. But rather they will stumble over their ideology until the first according to manipulation are last and those following the SPIRIT already are able to go on. So what we need is many surprises to which a leader becomes useless except to causing those that love following a leader to be led astray.

Unexpected Synchs 36 (ctrl f unexpected)
The UnexpectedOk, had a very powerful synch with "The Unexpected"And YOU and I collide and the emotional energy that causes something UNEXPECTED TO HAPPEN.Anger, about way Humans disregard the SPIRIT and lift up their interpretations above the SPIRIT. I am feeling a great emotional energy that causes something UNEXPECTED TO HAPPEN.So on this very day I had this synch about something unexpected happening that is caused by the emotional energy and interplay between the lie of the GOP and the left fighting for truth. Oh, this feels exactly like this moment.

 Other links to "the Unexpected" and another Post about "The Unexspected" Edited jan 25th to add this file Here is my audio file to my friend Mark just before the creation of the Unexpected_____________________________________

Oh! and the Pickle  32 (ctrl f Pickle)

Scandal Perhaps! The Pickle  
a difficult or messy situation.
"Trump is in a pickle"


The Pickle

The Pickle

First humans had to loose themselves

And in doing so they will get themselves in a pickle that they cannot get out of without the SPIRIT

But alone the way like every other new creature they also discovered a lot of wonderful things

And just when it looks like what they overlooked will take ALL humans down what they needed FIRST will again reveal the SMALLEST OF POINTS OVERLOOKED.

Surprise Synchs    66 (Ctrl F Surprise)

I have been having synchs with if your right eye offends you, pluck it out and this as most things from SPIRIT is not about one thing but about relationships, social media, and anything that causes YOU and I to butt heads more. Sleep, wars and Social Media Coming.

Guitar synchs began about a week ago but did not really develop until last night. I was reminded of my own intention to reach you through conveying experiences that I felt from the SPIRIT and this was related to the poetry and the emotions that were conveyed between the SPIRIT and myself. The experience cannot be understood by those with shame related to sex because the same reason that it was said that Abraham KNEW HIS WIFE and she conceived is the same way the son of man is born of a man in the same way a man and a woman get in SYNCHRONICITY  during physical love making so the SPIRIT and man are to be that close, unveiled and uninhibited but like the priests that enter in beyond the veil to the most holy place you do not enter into this without TRUE INTENTION OF HEART to KNOW YOU and to be true to what was given by the SPIRIT as a baby is first given milk a person is given synchronicity with SPIRIT that may not amount to much until their passion and love for KNOWING YOU is real and you are brought to the SPIRIT with a broken and contrite heart knowing you cannot do it without SPIRIT. The manipulating ego/left brain will keep going until it gets


in a situation that it cannot get out of without the SPIRIT's help. But if your intention is not for that narrow door of true intention of heart to know you such as willing to experience the cross and not play as though you are godly when you really want to profit for yourself. In that case you must keep the whole law as you told the SPIRIT when you were in those who went before us. Such a situation which you draw to yourselves and the SPIRIT will not lead you into temptation EXCEPT IT BE NECESSARY TO DELIVER YOU FROM SOME EVIL. So you cannot judge another who may be led by SPIRIT but you are responsible for what your thoughts draw to you even if you are hurt by your own response.

Pam and I watched the PBS special about Country Music and how it speaks and it reminded me of many of the songs that the SPIRIT spoke through in synchs and what I wanted to convey in the poetry. My dream related to the Guitar was conveying through many means and I wanted to travel like I did in California and bring back the synchs which could be conveyed by those wanting to understand and help deliver the information through many forms.

The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."


No you do not understand the URGENCY!! TODAYS SYNCHS

Synchs today with Poisoned Dish and Fire Proof dish and coronavirus


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