Wednesday, February 22, 2023

The way the synchs flow this week

 The Synchs this week each day were Diamonds, Fire and Ice, and Aesthetics

On Feb 18th was the synch Fire and Ice


On Feb 20th was the Diamonds synch word happening in my reality


And Yesterday was the Aesthetics Synch where Pam and I were traveling down the road and saw a sign with the word Aesthetics and began to talk about not hearing that word and the meaning 
It is hard to see any connection between each word but this is how the synchs work. Each one I found I needed to save and give attention to and then they grow and it keeps the moments fresh and new.

So I am excited to see how these synchs will grow and synergise with ones in the past as that is how the tree grows

Like a tree I gradually took on this form
Like an empty canvas the painter waited for the SPIRIT/Muse to move
Dabbing where the SPIRIT moved until the painting took form
I had no idea!

After her appointment we went to Poet's Coffee and enjoyed coffee and then Pam stayed there while I went walking. As I walked downtown by a brand new building I saw the sign for Lett Aesthetics and went in to take a picture 

Friday, February 10, 2023

Both Sides

 Both sides are greedy and presumptuous, the #gop with their interpretations and Conspiracies and lying Manipulators, they have passion that is admired and the #democrats have greater True intention of Heart. Since all have sinned against each other and most everyone rejects the SPIRIT what happens to redemption?

Islam has passion and faith in an interpretation but also rejects the SPIRIT
So redemption for who?

Since both sides have failed, the best thing you can do is to forgive each other and work on your own presumptions and shortcomings by seeking the SPIRIT while you still have breath.