Saturday, October 26, 2024

Like the jolt that started me down this road

 If I live or die, I am going back home, back with YOU, my life, alone in wonder. 

Like the jolt that started me down this road

The blood makes me realise I want to be on the 

Coast of California like in Mendecino

So spread my ashes and if Pam would also join me there

I may not be able to make it back there in this life

I don't want to remain if I cannot reach America

It won't be a place I care for any more

Let's make it last, lets find a way

I realize now the SPIRIT is going to break all your hearts through Trump as he is the THIEF that breaks your heart and then you will know the true intentions of my heart.

I come as a thief in the night,,, Trump is a THIEF but the SPIRIT in synchronicity after the great HUMILIATION is what you get if you have true intention of heart

Just remember in the winter

 If I live or die, I am going back home, back with YOU, my life, alone in wonder. 

Just remember in the winter
Far beneath the bitter snow
Lies the seed that with the sun's love
In the spring becomes the rose

I want your stories, not followers, out there where I can see them

Because the SPIRIT said it would, but I have to dissappear so You can experience just YOU,my life and I growing in synchronicity 

For Your Eyes only


In the 80s for 8 yrs I only saw Jesus in the words in red then the SPIRIT  told me it was YOU, SPIRIT that made it happen according to my intentions. Then at 12 yrs my heart was broken and you said that was because of the veil over my eyes that needed to be torn That there has always only been YOU and I and I lived alone many years learning what that meant. There is a way to fulfill both sides but not without letting go of presumption and growing like a tree in synchronicity with the SPIRIT. The humiliation of this cross was huge my whole life.  BUT, if there is no other way.

Let it be! 

Sailing Christopher Cross

Pamela Nesin has been my long time room mate and companion. I leave everything I own my house, cars and and my accounts to her. As nobody would have cared enough to spend the moments in sanctuary for as long as she did and was my companion on the road in wonder with me in California from 2001-Until now. 

The SPIRIT says to stay strong and follow the synchs which I will. But I want to do it like I did my whole life, off in wonder alone as I cannot hear my moments since I left being alone to reach you. This moment gives me the chance to return and stay in wonder so I wake up with YOU, my life again.



Thursday, October 24, 2024

A single seed falls to the ground and dies

 The Rose the tree, a single seed falls to the ground

I don't post on X so I guess I am just documenting




YOU are my life, 



PERFECT LOVE,,so much better than a bullet!

Maga started a Joke


If GOP wins it loses and if they lose they lose

But if they win it's because #democrats will be first to be reached to the heart horror. If they lose gop is first to be reached to the heart so either way horror ensues. You would not be reached so the prediction of the Raging Fire so hot it will melt the veil separating you and I and leave those hiding behind dogma, religion, political presumption with nowhere left to hide 

Getting people having disturbing feelings related to the synchs perplexing 

Long Shadow and Trump 

Several Adapt or Leave synchs could be a Trump demand or weather changes

Also the synch with starving people out of the country, demands of loyalty to the Liar and Thief like you cannot buy or sell without worshipping the presumption off 66 books of the Bible when it never was an interpretation but to grow in the SPIRIT 

Because the Criminals ARE now the public servants such as republicans on the supreme court and Trump and all public servants loyal to him this is signaling that we are to lose much much more that humans believe they possess. I am feeling republicans will take the blame for what America loses as we find out what was overlooked about money nature and the planet. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

You say it best when you say nothing at all

I am posting here on my blog as nobody cares so I am making it harder to find so only those with true intent will see it which might be nobody.

They (many dems and repubs) will follow Trump out of fear and implicate themselves hiding behind Trump

If there is no fruit on the tree after 40 years shouldn't we just cut it down as sure people with go for anything once they start dropping like flies but that will just be hiding behind another veil instead of them reaching to the SPIRIT.

Code of Silence synch Generals politics

100 synch

In the bag, feeling much better as I remember the benevolence of the SPIRIT compared with the interpretations 

Woman riding on his head/Trump dealing with/Only the SPIRIT can stop this as that was the intention so everyone is caught in the net.



Springfield woman and the empathy synch





You say it best when you say nothing at all

Calm before the storm

Imagine John Lennon

You may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one 

Like the first few years after 1993 crying uncontrollable through my broken heart 

No Love out there for the SPIRIT and everything has been said anyway

 Everything has been said and after all this time there is no love for the SPIRIT or for me and the thought of saying anything else only to be rejected anymore makes me ill. If there was passion for the SPIRIT by people who see what is being said it would be different so I will wait on the SPIRIT to open a door in another country or follow the synchs but there needs to be silence until the way opens up.

Nobody sees it on twitterX anymore and it is being sidelined by Elon so I have nowhere to post anyway. If I had some backing... If I had people with true intention of heart and with mutual love we could get this message out as there has always only been me and these synchronicties and I have been looking for others with passion for this. I am tired my website needs work but the message is there and if others could take on this mantle. No passion for the SPIRIT results in no answer when the horror starts. Famine of the SPIRIT!


A tree lets go of it's leaves in the fall. 

But in the spring, next life it returns with new leaves

While the presumptuous grass withers and dies never to return

So come forth SPIRIT like a fire in winter and clean house

Done for now till the SPIRIT opens the door. Elon and Trump children lives are now their currency as you do it to yourself by your own words against others, you lie your children die! Up through the dna a person can be made to walk into their own death. I don't have money and you think that makes no reason to talk this over? Right????? The SPIRIT will do what is perfect love. I will not do it I give my intention to the SPIRIT as I have learned to do for 40yrs and the SPIRIT will do the appropriate thing according to your intentions when you bypass the SPIRIT and open your mouth so flies come out.


Trump is responsible for all the death associated with hurricane Helene because 

And for the horror soon to come to those having his veil of lies over their eyes. 

You have left me no alternative so let NOTHING BE LEFT because  America will be last now and even what they believe they possess. You will have to start over because you would not be reached, 

Understanding the true intent of being born again, a state in which you are starting an activity or process again, not considering what has happened in the past at all

You did it to your children by your own words. Elon Trump and those following them,

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Gave my Pain to the SPIRIT

"This decision was the cause to Hasten his Death " synch when I saw my free speech being blocked while you spew lies and call it free speech so I gave that pain to the SPIRIT 
and turned to be open to a synch and this video then said 
"This decision was the cause to Hasten his Death" at 16:24min  "I gave to the SPIRIT my pain" then I said what we need to Hasten with a picture that matched a growing synch and at that moment those words I could hear clearly from the torrent of
Near end of video 
So you have to get a relationship with the SPIRIT understanding where it is coming from. First, this is very slow, writing on the heart so if you grow in this the many pieces come together and spells out the nature related to your being (creature) according to how faith matures 

Influenza,, he would have been 14
Synch hotel Potabella?

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Idea/ eye of interpretations of men/ Sex, drugs and Rock and Roll

 Pam was watching SPIRITED with Susie Darling and I was thinking about the coming fire, like a lake of Contention and when they said the name Susie Darling I felt a synch and went to my "darling synchs" tonight and remembered Julie Darling the donut shop in Chattanooga. So I went to that post which turned out to be from Sept 2017 and realized the synch was about the interpretations of men of scripture and how it was not an interpretation but growing in synchronicity with the SPIRIT like a tree. 


You have to find the SPIRIT through synchronicity with intent to know the True Intentions of the heart. (Of Jesus) but I found that by having that interpretation of men over my eyes that I had to be jolted and taken in the SPIRIT alone, in order to keep my attention of the growing synchronicities.

Today on NPR was "MY Secret Garden" and a book about female fantasies and I of course thought of my synch with the SPIRIT and being open to YOU, MY LIFE even in the most intimate of experiences as the SPIRIT will teach you the intent of the heart of lovers and what you will learn by being  open to the SPIRIT about it is very necessary. 

Remember the pain in Your Secret Garden, You chose to live alone/separated from the SPIRIT and hide behind your tears and like a veil You have hidden yourself from ME. Remember we created the sunrise to remind us to always start new. There was no longer lovers, Just YOU and I my life

Once you get to the SPIRIT it will lead you into your truth, you need to be unveiled like in your fantasies about sex to be open to the SPIRIT and honest as to what you are feeling and if anything needs to change the SPIRIT will make it perfect but this is a road to know the SPIRIT and the true intentions. The SPIRIT may give you little if you intend with your heart and soul just a little. But open up and when the synch teaches you to recognise the door it will be perfect but there are many things you must learn starting from where you are so you have to begin the journer and have true intent about your own beliefs as if you believe it you must keep all the law which of course you can't. So you must grow in the SPIRIT rather than takinig the word of any man as it will be according to what you sow in the SPIRIT or your failure to do so that determines your path.

I tell you, the least of them related to Sex, drugs and Rock and Roll is much greater off than one of these having a veil of religion over their eyes that they did not get from the SPIRIT as that eye leads to a lake of contention/fire that you will not escape from in your own power.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Reclaiming Your Soul through attention to the SPIRIT, Stepped on a jealous green snake

Reclaiming your soul by growing like a tree in Synchronicity with the SPIRIT. 

What kind of creature are you going to be? Or do you not know that according to how much of your soul you RE-MEMBER is what kind of reality/creature or what house that you will be transported to. The greatest wealth is to even have a future as attention to money rather than attention to wonder/SPIRIT with true intention of heart, that is why even what you believe you possess will be taken from those that bypassed the SPIRIT.  Consider what has been written, "seek first the kingdom/SPIRIT, and THEN all these things, houses, family, children will be added in your reality. But bypass the SPIRIT and even what you believe you ARE will be taken and the greatest according to money will then be the least because they did not start at the door. 

I will take the honey from these and give it to those showing fruit that the message of the SPIRIT will be known. And those that develope systems to help all humans, those I want the "honey" given to that will be taken from those without true intention of heart. According to their beleifs against the least of them it will be done to them! The greatest wealth then is to Have A Future. The SPIRIT will prove this soon by the synchs that have already been given.

Republicans followed the presumptions of Trump, So they, not forgiving their neighbor and lying about their neighbor and then finding they overlooked the SPIRIT so how does this play out.

Forgive them of their tresspasses according to how they (republicans) forgive them (democrats, immigrants, passion seekers) that they have judged when the SPIRIT judges no one but you judge yourself by bypassing the SPIRIT and taking on beliefs of men/interpretations of the 66 books  when it was never an interpretation that fulfilled it but following the SPIRIT in synchronicity and growing like a tree until you share in the experience of the cross and find it has nothing to do with the veil/interpretation but attention to the SPIRIT in this moment.

The fire of contention is the hell that you find yourself in having never known the SPIRIT that was speaking through the man Jesus. "YOU NEVER KNEW ME"  As it is seen the fire of CONTENTION IS STRONG IN TRUMP.

What was actually in the "words in red" was the SPIRIT was making real the promise given to him by the SPIRIT.



I went walking at a local state park today and when I got there my attention was drawn to the American Flag which had been partially torn as it was caught by another flag pole with a green flag on it. I went into the office and told them about it and they said they were going to fix it. Then I went walking the trails and began to think about it as if it was a synchronicity and then I stepped on a Green Snake. I jumped so as not to hurt the snake and looked and the snake moved out of the path and was looking at me as though he knew I did not intend him harm but he was in the walking path. I began to think about the Jealous Green snake from a post in 2011. But any jealous green snakes that I have offended understand that I did not to it to you but told you what you were doing to yourself. When I got back to the park office they were taking down the flag and replacing it and I found the green flag meant conditions were good to go down to the falls. I was glad to see the flag was replaced and the problem was fixed as that means the Jealous Green Snake will lose in the end.  Cummins Falls State Park


                                                          Torn Flag was caught on the Green flag
                                                            Replacing the Flag

Jealous Green Snake

But You will owe me when you find out that everything I have said is true as you know what you would do to those you hate and then you find out you have overlooked the SPIRIT and what you intended for them is to be done to you. Don't forget, you bypassed the SPIRIT and it is intended that all you possess is taken and given to those that put the SPIRIT ahead of what you did.

But I have a peaceful, easy feeling tonight, after leaving behind all those that are rejected as they first rejected the SPIRIT.

A few other things that are taking form such as like "Immigrants and democrats Trump and base hate will not be able to buy or sell unless they have the "sign" that Trump will declare, Project2025 but we want to thwart that now by thwarting Trump again as the first synchs with that and the pandemic did not reach you to the heart. Therefore the heat will be turned up and you have rejected my message and the SPIRIT now for 40 yrs so now you will find out what it feels like to be rejected yourselves.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Trip to the Dollar General

Lot of feelings as I have waited for a promise from the SPIRIT since 1993 and I needed to take a ride anyway so I went to town to get freezer bags and floss and drove slow just listening to the radio. I was a few blocks from the dollar General and that song came on 

Then Pulling into the Dollar General a couple was walking in and began holding hands at the second the words 

        Put your hand in my hand baby, don't ever look back

        Let the world around us just fall apart        Baby, we can make it if we're heart to heart
        And we can build this thing together        Standing strong forever        Nothing's gonna stop us now
The couple did not look back so see me
I walked in the store and greeted them and told of the words as I was parking and they told me they were together 30yrs and have two grandchildren
But this is how the synchs flow and yea, sometimes it's lyrics from a song
 so I got what I needed and and headed back home
The next song was 
Song by Shannon

        We started dancing and love put us into a groove
        As soon as we started to move         The music played while our bodies displayed through the dance         Then love picked us out for romance
I of course knew this was exactly the way the synch caught me in the earlier song, Romance with              SPIRIT
        Let the music play, he won’t get away         Just keep the groove and then he’ll come back to you again (let it play)         Let the music play, he won’t get away         This groove he can’t ignore, he won’t leave you anymore (no, no, no)         He tried pretending a dance is just a dance, but I see         He’s dancing his way back to me         Guess he discovered we are truly lovers, magic from the very start ‘        Cause love just kept me groovin’ and he felt me movin’ even though we danced apart
 Taking the road back to the cabin I was turning onto my road when the third song began
Song by Ellie Goulding

I'll let you set the pace, cause I'm not not thinking straight

Friday, August 16, 2024

Way Up in Baptism!

 A new way of feeling about baptism and freshness related to the SPIRIT and John the Baptist

Way Up in Baptism!

finding a fresh pool in the wilderness to plunge and how the idea of john the baptist was changed

Freshness, baptism, Wilderness, the SPIRIT and getting way up in Wonder-Full



Seek first the SPIRIT of Truth not an interpretation of the story/scripture which only leads to stumbling

The SPIRIT is the only source of truth, not an interpretation of scripture which is religion as there were thousands more books than the 66 made into an interpretation in 350ad as no interpretation was to be had. Therefore the bible is a story meant to lead to the SPIRIT that leads to truth. What the SPIRIT said through the man Jesus was

Seek first the kingdom and "his, God/SPIRIT   the rightiousness that comes from knowing and believing the SPIRIT. As it was written "He believed God and it was counted to him as rightiousness.

Religion being an interpretation injects what Paul and Silas said "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved and your household" But that obscures the first instruction by the SPIRIT and can be twisted to be misunderstood. So forget interpretations and get to the SPIRIT through a word and growing a tree of synchronicity while reaching to know YOU, the SPIRIT that spoke through Jesus but by interpretting Paul and Silas as an interpretation this blasphemes the SPIRIT as you did not start with the SPIRIT but rather made the interpretation of the story your god. It was known they wouild get lost like this and bypass the SPIRIT.



Monday, June 24, 2024

The transition from an interpretation as God, to the SPIRIT

 The data has formed and revealed the error of the maga and Christian Right hypothesis. But many having loved lies and followed the fruit of the snakes such as republican presidents and Fox news they now reject data and the truth in front of them and many demand Trump or death. 

I am intendeing a synchronicity of experience and the SPIRIT will give a word and the word then manifest and then those say Trump or Death may join him in what the SPIRIT reveals as the outcome of this is they are revealed to be antichrist.

I expect a synch already exists that says this actually.

The way it works with your beliefs that you create from, if you did not get your presumptions from the SPIRIT but went ahead and accepted the interpretations of man/religion then you had better reach to the SPIRIT to nullify your belief about the interpretation of the book as when all this comes down those whose god is a book will be stuck in an impassable way except they just keep lying. As the book demands death for those that bypassed the SPIRIT. But  so does the reality of christianity as first you must die to the world of lies and presumption and empty the cup and be open to the SPIRIT.

So they love lies and don't look at the data which says THEY ARE THE HARLOT CHURCH

Liars Perhaps?

Lying to themselves perhaps?

Without the SPIRIT leading it is impossible for man to understand what is really going on. They should want to follow the SPIRIT into all truth and not accept any interpretation of any man except what each person alone gets from the SPIRIT,, you know as it was in the beginning before we thought we had it all figured out as what this says is there IS NO FIGURING IT OUT, there is only a word from the SPIRIT each day tht grows like a tree and then the meaning of 66books interpretted by man is made clear to be a veil over the eyes that must be replaced by the SPIRIT like Adam and Eve after their humilation they covered themselves in an interpretation but did not wait on the SPIRIT as they were ashamed and hid behind the interpretation/veil from the SPIRIT.

There are Christians with true intention of heart that know what I say is true about this but without the SPIRIT giving a genuine word they presumed and thought it best to stay close to the interpretation but that was actually the way liars and thieves from God are to be revealed.


Only the SPIRIT can reveal to them the point they overlooked as the book condemns them just like they felt before they hid behind the veil of interpretation for SALVATION.

The SPIRIT will reveal to each person IN THEIR OWN WAY what is truth for one creature is different from another but it is the SPIRIT that m;akes it all work together in synergy and synchronicity.

The interpretation of what is written on the page wether it was for us at all as it was all completed long ago and sin was destroyed by the very dna/blood of those who went before us which was actually the SPIRIT living through them experiencing and documenting in this body/dna vessel a treasure that each person manifests the SPIRIT in a new way. But the interpretation is complete and failed to save them as only a word from the SPIRIIT each day growing like a tree leads to what is real.

This is the purpose of this moment and since one person is kept from reaching them with the message of the SPIRIT the two sides cannot be reached and understand they are husband and wife/ YOU and I without sharing the synchronicity of the SPIRIT in your own experience and what the SPIRIT has revealed through this entire passion play/manifestation leading to the rebellion of MAGA as antichrist as was revealed before.

The problem #gop is your Rebellion is against God, you bypassed the SPIRIT to worship a mountain of lies orchestrated by greed. You were carefully fed by snakes but now you will draw only desolation because you blaspheme the SPIRIT #fridayvibes #friday #dnatreepredictions
@Dnatree steven@stephentree.com
Let no man decieve you that day will not come unless this Republican rebellion under Trump starts and the man of lawlessness is blatently revealed. Yea! Get ready for the wild ride! The Trump Beast will leave no doubt


Saturday, June 22, 2024

Money ain't got no odor, if your eye keeps you from the SPIRIT

Money ain't got no odor, if your eye keeps you from the SPIRIT

It can come from anywhere, but Slums of Beverly Hills happened to be playing in the background. I found that through intent/synchronicity that money was not really important in the dna

Hunger, fragrance, taste these reign HIGH in the dna, but money, not so much. Money comes soon enough but first Desire, Intent, "spirit of what is really desired. If money was disrumpted (dis-rupted, dis-trumpted) from your reality, the rich would go back to being last because of where their intent is, but some people gotta find out the hard way.

"Blood" again on Slums of Beverly Hills

The SPIRIT speaking through the man said "I am the blood" SPIRIT says I bring to you the vibration and the desired.

Again in the background on SOBH "We got the toasters and the towels" meaning the necessary things you might desire.

My synch related to the SPIRIT about money is to take from those that cheated and give to those with true intent that those both might be blessed. The formerly rich will be given what they need in that if your eye offends you it needs to be plucked out that you might enter into the rhealm of the SPIRIT. 

If your interpretation is not of the SPIRIT and therefore offending you and others then that will be taken like the man that worked 7 years for a bride only to be tricked thinking they have found the truth but actually bypassed the SPIRIT and veiled with an interpretation therefore that interpretation is the thing that will be taken. 

You give your intention to the SPIRIT and the real CURRENCY of life/blood comes in the form of synchronicity so you will recognise when what you desire shows up according to your beliefs you draw to yourself. But without this back and forth with the SPIRIT your veil of interpretion over your eyes actually works to block what you really need because that veil needs to be torn. Cross

Intention/Allowing and the Fragrance of the heart. Spending time in sanctuary where the synchs flow.

Make all things YOU, my life as YOU come to me in the form I desired. It's like when you dream of a lover, unveiled and uninhibited without shame and YOU come to me in the form of another. Many might see me as "The Apathy of Venn, The Wizard's Love Story" in that my passion is given alone in secret, in my closet, or alone in a sanctuary. I might dream in my room dancing and a table of fragrance rising, dim light candle so my heart can grasp the subtle things. So you do it to the least,,, dream of a lover,, you do it to ME. I dream as though there is ONLY YOU and I, MY LIFE.

Appearances, conniving women and showmen you find are meaningless, practiced in deception. The smallest intent from the very least in the slums of Calcutta offered to the SPIRIT is greater than an actor.

I lose my way often, and many troubles have passed my ship. I lost my way interacting with divided folks to reach you so I leave the struggle from time to time. Stephentree.com/struggle I start new with YOU, MY LIFE waiting for freshness.

Sure I got angry at those whose eye/interpretation/money offends but I want the best, what's real, to reach you.

Life takes from each person what is needed to reach you. For the rich (story of Job) money is taken and spouses and children that you might see. And if like the RELIGIOUS your INTERPRETATION/EYE offends (is not from the SPIRIT) then that is taken and with true intent toward the SPIRIT a new stone is given you to hold onto. Only those with true intent can enter.

If your interpretation is not given you by the SPIRIT but by words of 66 books interpretted by man whose number is 6 then that is taken. But still, be happy because that is the path of the cross finding you were wrong, having your heart reached and that veil torn in two that you might start new with the SPIRIT and your neighbor you are offended. hint MAGA