
Thursday, March 26, 2020

Coronavirus Extinguisher Synch

I have been having this synch with the medicine that helps correct the virus/cancer in humans which is their presumption and interpretation which fills the cup and disallows the SPIRIT to fill it. And then the radiation which is synergistic in that it applies to

This made the sonic hedgehog gene come to mind because when it radiates it's signal too strong it can produce extra digits.

amount of radiation placed up through the dna tree could make more or less susceptible to a virus that we otherwise might never have known about.

In other worlds the SPIRIT already knows how to fix the problem and I think the synch with picking up trash thrown out on my road today is related to the "Synergistic Fix".

In the synchs the water and the pitcher are both SPIRIT and the drink is SPIRIT-ual understanding. Now I wrote this before I went to the synergistic fix but when I got there I noticed the same "radiant energy" in that the lamp had low batteries and was giving too low of light. Now this reminded me also of the SPIRIT speaking through another saying "I am the light of the world".  And began to see how attention to SPIRIT grows the energy in the batteries like a solar collector but on the inside giving more radiance to something that is failing in humans because of the thick veil that prohibits the SPIRIT. Now I have said before that I will not go around kissing coronavirus patients until the SPIRIT tells me to but I am asking the SPIRIT for a way to reveal this to humans.

Now even if I don't have the science perfect I do know the source of "Perfect Love" and so I don't have to be perfect as my whole life I have been saved on the edge of desolation over and over by "attention to SPIRIT".

Spence was a name that was derived from "Dispence-r of the provisions"

Really funny synch right now with Marc Maron End Times Fun playing in the background and was in perfect synch with what I had just written five minutes earlier.

It will be interesting to see where this synch leads.

Fragrance of the heart
Blood on the Door
Working Less Wondering More
The Lover made me lose my profession, what good was my work anyway

The Foolishness of the SPIRIT is greater than the wisdom of man and is used to confound those believing themselves smart like this president.

Coming soon
will taxpayers be asked to pay back the coronavirus stimulus money given to the rich after it does not.....

Money where your mouth is:
Those politicians most wanting to get the economy running and willing for others to die need to get out there and show themselves bagging groceries and serving the public if they want others to die for them.  Throw yourselves in the fire of the sun which is called Corona--Virus 
Is not this world to be destroyed by such a fire?
Yes we need to be forgiving of the rich also and I am sure the SPIRIT will address that once the tables turn and we find out how bad the world is STUCK and why.

Hey, I am as the least of them but I have come to know the smallest of points everyone overlooks

How many will die before some think tank takes the synch seriously and investigates the tree and it's 

I love watching van life and today I want to send this message to Brittany in Mr and Mrs adventure

Life has changed and maybe even humans changed in their dna or will in a moment in a twinkling of an eye reality soon, for those that actually knew the SPIRIT you Wildhearts

Princes of the earth will it have to come to this?  For it was written to ask anything of the father believing and I asked for the smallest of points overlooked that could redeem all from such a fate as everyone is guilty and did not seek the SPIRIT.
Everyone on the train is guilty.

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