
Thursday, March 19, 2020

Latter Rain,

This needs to be your mantra

Maybe we ought to get along here
Maybe I better have some true intention of heart
                              Mad Hatter

"Gather Rain" synch   Rain Water on today's Nomadic Movement

Latter Rain is Puddling Around You

Wash Away My Sorrow
Take Away My Pain
Your love is Coming Down like Rain
I wanna know, have you ever seen the rain?
Water of Understanding
The Jolt that reveals they followed a lie

We found love in a hopeless place

Scarlet brought to her knees

From My Post in 

If you wait
Tomorrow Morning
Something Fresh will invite You to begin a new day!!
The story does not end at a broken heart,,, it begins there. I think the most important part of focusing the heart is a broken heart. I believe when we ask for our life to come often we receive what we believe is the opposite. In time we come to understand the "true intention of the heart."
Even when you find that that person did not love You it is hard to let go. Where do You put the love? When I experienced this and loosing the kids too through betrayal the pain was so difficult because WHERE DO YOU GIVE THE LOVE THAT YOU HAVE IN YOU? And the things that were coming how could You deal with all of it alone? My whole life I had another relationship within me that I refferred to as YOU, my life. During the years of crying and aloneness I spoke to YOU, the synchronicities were Your way of speaking back. The flowers along the path, were from YOU. YOU said never to think anything below the joy line because YOU don't. And even though my boat was sinking I listened only to YOU. Even though my former life had made so many loose ends I was told I had to address by others YOU said to pay attention to the things that were coming through that broken heart. Sure enough, the flowers had something to teach me for as the flowers do nothing yet it comes to them so the fragrance of the heart draws what we truly need if we do not fill the cup ourselves with a band-aid. I really appreciate those here that have GROWN to know YOU in their own way for they have grown to know more of the True intentions of the heart. A heartbreak is a new birth in the Spirit, because Your heart is more open and understanding what those who went before us have suffered in reaching to know and be known.

And from my last post yesterday about overwhelming sadness
Bittersweet Youtube

In the beginning I was called ADAM, which means earth
I was alone and like a dream You came out from me
In my loneliness, in my bewilderness
Through my Broken Heart....... YOU/MY LIFE came!!!!!!!!!   Dnatree

The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.

Don't run away from your broken heart, stay and get the gold out of it.
She is my life
She is my wife
She came out from me in the beginning
We were one in the beginning
She is my dream and I am the dreamer

We are headed for somewhere,

The Power of Love

We're heading for something
Somewhere I've never been
Sometimes I am frightened
But I'm ready to learn
Of the power of love
Power of Love Youtube
Shall I tell you a secret?
Nat King Cole and the Orange event
Nat King Cold Orange Colored sky youtube
God bless this broken path
Dancing in the Rain
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39 Prophecies and Predictions / Predictions Discussion / Harold Camping and the Coming Humiliation of Relig
 on: 09/26/11 at 12:53:46

The world must not interpret anymore as we have experienced here with the presumptuous post. (The Spirit said through Irene that ALL ARE PRESUMPTUOUS) When Harold said Judgement was coming because of interpretation was it not his own? And when he spoke of the end of the world in October was it not his own?

So it is when we speak without knowing the Spirit.
Up From the Ashes

Synchs with today's date

Synchs right now

CoronaVirus, SPIRIT and Stay UpWind from the Dead horse SPIRIT is that wind

The Heat is to be Turned UP!
For the heat is to be turned up and as it is written of the resurrection, Your right hand will tell on You.

Was heating a pizza and it was not browning so I put it back in and as I turned the dial up the song Steam on the tv said the heat is to be turned up.

Oh yeah, I need steam
Feel the steam around me
Ah you're turning up the heat
When I start to dream aloud
See you move your hands and feet
Won't you step into this cloud of steam
This steam

Synchs with turning up the heat

Your moments in wonder, reveal the true intentions of the heart.Get ready for the Wild Ride!!!
Things are heating up and it all is going to go down fast. Swift!!!!

The coming fire so hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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