
Friday, July 03, 2020

Moving in a new direction, Chicken Bone

So I was presumptuous about how all this would play out as the seed I gave to the SPIRIT in 1993 has played out exactly as I wanted it to except for when the problem occurs that I would be shown by the SPIRIT what to do about it and it get's fixed thus making this the PRE TRIB TRIBulation and we go on no longer under the thumb of those that would interpret scripture but rather understanding the SPIRIT through Jesus set up all those who like the snake in the garden like to "interpret" away the simplicity of "the SPIRIT will lead you into all truth".

I was getting upset because of the number of dead and the fact I could not get the message out, but actually the message is getting out as the SPIRIT is the one speaking. I really feel sorry now for those like Trump under his hat with their fingers in their ears keeping up the Masquerade pretending that "they are the truth" while obviously the SPIRIT revealed when Trump said he was the Ultimate Authority by the "unexpected" occuring right after

Quote Mar 08 2017 and posted Mar 11, 2020

something seemingly rash

They expect something,,, give them something else

            This is my prayer,,, My Life!

I was expecting the "unexpected" to occur in the form of the "orange event" and how after everyone tried to get Trump and none could the "unexpected" was expected before the "series of unfortunate events began to happen this year" And the unexpected and reasons for it "ship sinking" problem at the top Trump

Unexpected synch links 2019
link 1  link 2  

Series of Unfortunate Events
Link 1  link 2 

So you can see the SPIRIT speaks much better than words as everything happened in perfect timing to the events but those that don't want you to see this like Trump are screaming at a high volume filling the holy place so that you cannot see what is in front of your face. 

And so everything was predicted but they control what others are to see so no one saw that it was but the SPIRIT is making it plain anyway so I don't care, I will wait on the SPIRIT and those I wanted to reach seem to have understood. (Oh, by the way my brother John and I are seeing more eye to eye now) So it really does not matter as "it is finished" anyway.

So if everything came true and I reached "my own" and the world is reached by the SPIRIT, nobody needs to know about this anyway. Ok if that is what the SPIRIT is doing, I am fine with that. So I will reach another direction to find a way to travel and get to a fresh sanctuary  which is not as necessary as it is what I love to do.

So in the end, all will see what the SPIRIT did and how those that presumed to interpret manipulated and lied so I will wait on the SPIRIT which does not need my help anyway, I just held the intent for 26yrs and wanted to be a part of it happening. Blah, Blah, Blah

How terrible it will be for such as Trump and William Barr when they find out that their "interpretation" they demand everyone worship had nothing to do with the SPIRIT leading into all truth and that Jesus really just caught them all in a net.

One thing that caught me was the amount of death related to the "orange event" related to the synchs over the years. I really felt you would be reached by now and that has been my passion about getting the synchs out but I can't so I guess with the masses being dead and cannot see in front of their faces what the SPIRIT is doing it will be as they "interpretted" FOR THEM! Whereas those seeing what the SPIRIT is doing can also see the smallest of points overlooked how everything is transmuted to Perfect Love for those that believe the SPIRIT.

Your right you don't need me! Nobody needs to know the passion that was put into reaching you

So I was walking and thinking about a Chicken bone and put my thoughts down on a card

Chicken bone

So you can do anything with the SPIRIT and so without the SPRIT you can do nothing that is not sin to you. Yes, separation from SPIRIT is sin, presumption, an interpretation which is nothing.

I have to kill the most prolific weed on my hillside,

The "dead" walking around with true intention of heart to know Jesus will rise and the dead hiding will say they fell away from the faith

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