Thursday, April 23, 2020

Death the unexpected Coronavirus and Taxes

Death and Taxes

I woke up and began thinking about how "I feel" the property tax people have "used their office in a manner it was not intended" lately and began to give that pain to the SPIRIT. My hillside property tax was assessed at 4600.00 because the land is next to worthless for most people but then I carved out a cliff to build my tiny house and put about 7000 dollars into my place by using used supplies and recycling stuff I found. When the assessor came out whom I thought we were friends and he understood when I told him what I had in it he seemed to misunderstand and when I got the assessment it was over 50,000.00 dollars for this property now. So I began to give the pain to the SPIRIT and was very angry as I see so many "Republican O-fish-ills" using their offices in a manner it was not intended against whom they think is their enemy. (I guess anyone who is not a Re-PUBLICAN) Oh, a fire burned my shop at the moment the Vulcan synchs started.
Republican Farce
  1. a comic dramatic work using buffoonery and horseplay and typically including crude characterization and ludicrously improbable situations.

 I wail against such as these because they are "hiding behind a veil of interpretation" such as republicans do that make them feel "self-right" so as to "dole out" unfairly toward those they deem inferior. The whole intention behind the "unexpected event" was to get them seeing it is all a farce and how much they overlooked the SPIRIT. (SPIRIT:They never KNEW ME)

But truth is indeed a double edged sword and as I put out the anger I got back the synch with Winnie the Pooh which related to my attention to SPIRIT rather than to a leader makes me appear "crazy" to these who think they are of sound mind. But they too probably need to "go crazy" in order to survive what is coming to reveal their hearts in the next three years.

But anyway, that is probably why those that have seen the synchs play out do not give them the attention that would help save their lives,,, soon, because of their presumptions which are leading them to death. Oh Well! It will be their own doing/right hand.

I need to remain a Dove Crying on a Branch in order to reach my loved ones and not respond in anger to these presumptuous leaders/republicans as I find being angry is satisfying to such as Trump because the demon that he is possessed by actually feeds on that and is what is leading the so called Christians that never experienced the cross to the humiliation that is that experience.

I find it is meaningless to try to reach such a manipulating being as Trump without the SPIRIT completely destroying him, but those under him calling themselves Christian need to take heed at this moment.

Mitch and the Gang

The type of being calling themselves Christian but never experiencing the HUMILIATION OF THE CROSS love to appear righteous by being on the "right politically" but I am here to tell you that none on the right have experienced the cross of Christ but all who survive will have their presumptions crushed. Do you intend surviving what is coming?

More dnatree.blogspot.com
Most read posts this month (Republican MUST READ to save lives)


Plan "B" is leaving and going somewhere the SPIRIT is received


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