Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Starting Something Small, Leads to something big

Synchs today
Starting Something Small

Like a mustard seed or an Appleseed

Let the moment give you everything you need, let your heart unfold like an Appleseed

     My synchs began around 1980 with a synchronicity with the words "Inheritance of the saints" and continued for many years until I was reached to the heart and then increased many fold.

Like a tree I gradually took on this form
Like an empty canvas the painter waited for the SPIRIT to move
Dabbing where the SPIRIT moved
Until the painting took form
I had no I idea where I was heading

Until MY LIFE became a tree of synchs branching out in every direction and the memory of this life showing up in the moment that I need something.

It has been a long road but now my moments are made up of wonder and rapture and I find myself in the right place at the right time.  No wonder my life took me from California to live in this tiny home as everything was set and ready for what was to come such as Coronavirus.

I am Lost, but that is where YOU/MY LIFE find me, so I have become comfortable with being lost

So if you go see all the branches of the tree it will become evident that the SPIRIT that speaks through me already knew what was going to happen.


Coronavirus and "MEAT packing plants" Earth day and treating the least of them as.....

synchs last night

SPIRIT will make quick work of BIG JOBS

You followed a "leader" are not his sins that he did in your name your sins now also. So if Trump blasphemed the SPIRIT then "You have blasphemed" that is the crime of following a leader so it will be very different with servants at work for all.

Trump and Q-Tips
Dream Meaning Q-Tips
To see or use Q-tips in your dream represents your need for healing and/or cleansing.
Once you "turn" repent (Return to follow the SPIRIT as it was in the beginning) and start caring about the planet, the planet (through the SPIRIT) will take care of you.

I enjoyed hearing this from Biden

Would not Trump's using the law in a manner that is not fair be like me asking the SPIRIT do unto him as he has done by reciprocating and reaching up his "dna tree" and turn him off?
Related to why the blind man when he was given sight said, "I see men walking around as Trees"

Synchs with this date

Monday, April 23, 2018

Boom! Boom! Boom!











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