Because you reject SPIRIT, Trump is being used to lead to desolation
Because you reject SPIRIT, Trump is being used to lead to desolation. Everyone following the beast is being led like the Fox's Sheep to desolation. Even those on the left that fight the same way and do not allow the SPIRIT to break their hearts also are being led to desolation. SPIRIT leads you to true power which is the smallest of points overlooked. You have chosen desolation by following this leader and money. You do not know what the future brings and therefore you think money and power is the answer but I tell you everyone that follows this leader or that thinks money is their salvation is being led to desolation.
Red Horse (This seems to the the intention given by SPIRIT since you cannot be reached, )
Since those on the right are so HELL BENT on fighting and guns and money let them fight each other ever increasingly because of faction and fear because the left have been paralyzed because they rejected the SPIRIT and will not be able to overcome without the SPIRIT now as are being reached let infighting on the right commence. Let the Red Horse cause these that love their interpretations more than they love their brothers on the left turn and take each others life overflowing with hate but let the left see how the SPIRIT will fight for those that are being reached in order that they lay down one life for another and live. Likewise those hiding on the left who hate men and are militant let them also loose it and destroy themselves.
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