Thursday, March 12, 2020

New Turtle Synch

It was a day about Turtles as they have a new sculpture at Cane Creek Park. And then the ladies today at the Cane Creek Recreational building were talking about making Turtle Cheese Cake

Sculpture by David Fricke

dream about a turtle can represent fertility, wisdom, shelter, motherhood, loyalty, slow but inevitable progress, and spiritual development. To dream of a sea turtle represents equal things. Yet, the sea turtle also represents withdrawn behavior, anxiety, and relaxation.

So I looked and sure enough today is the Turtle Synch and for the SPIRIT to point it out like today means it must have something there relative to this moment.

See Systems Theory below and a small self sufficient system
This is why Pam and I really like Van Life on Youtube

SHHHHH!!! Don't tell anyone but "Gather Rain" Well "Latter Rain"
Wash away my sorrow
Take away my pain
Your Love's Coming Down Like Rain


Resurrection (Lifting the Veil)

If it is love, YOU and I will go on past the humiliation.

I have noticed a pattern in my life experiences that feels like the pattern of humans as well and last night I felt the passion and circumstances play out like the emotions of an Opera. (Like the nutcracker synchs of late)
This has to do with meeting, love, passion and experience together, misunderstanding, veil rising, waiting believing the Spirit, and the eventual Resurrection
This pattern has played out in each of my relationships.
At about seven years You left me though we were still together. Nowhere to put the passion was leading to a spiritual death, but then as You began to have experiences You came back to me and it 
was like the resurrection.


Now to the humiliation that is love, for as we reached to know each other we unwittingly were led to the cross where YOU and I collide. If it is love, YOU and I will go on past the humiliation. 

So I will add this

Perfect Love is better than a bullet reaching Perfectly to the heart for those wanting to believe in love.


Hurt by love

True Love is knowing You, my life
All others will deny me.
Coming to know YOU, put my love for them in proper perspective.

What the Spirit which is your life has to say to you.

Been denied, misunderstood, rejected??
The path to True love works that way that You and I would break each others heart.

Don't be afraid to break hearts
Least of all Your own
How else will I come to know YOU, my life (Story of Jesus through synchronicity)
Being open to the Spirit through synchronicity and having asked to know the truth from life, those that cut You the deepest have given You a cross that leads to Your greatest GIFT.
Blessed is She who nailed me to this tree
Gathering up the tears

Your making me live

Why have YOU forsaken me?
Girl, Girl, why did You betray me

Just keep Your eye on the Spirit through synchronicity
Get ready for the wild ride!

If You cannot forgive EACH OTHER
Then who is going to forgive You when You realise the smallest of points that has been overlooked and You have betrayed Yourself through not forgiving?

Like the way a garden burns
in a hundred shades of orange in the fall,
a Lover's heart shrivels for a sense of the Beloved's touch.
Now the face of that charred garden
is my field of flowers.

Experiencing that field of flowers which is Your heart after the death of a life.

Orange is Coming

The whole poem off the LoveDrunk album

A Time for Madness

Once more,
Love is pouring down my ceiling
and my walls.
Once more, it's the night of the full moon,
it is time for madness.
All my immense knowledge
cannot help me now.
Once more,

Insomnia took my patience.
Rain washed away my intellect.
The Lover made me lose my profession.
What good is my work anyway?

Once more, rise, rise, rise,

Like the way a garden burns
in a hundred shades of orange in the fall,
a Lover's heart shrivels for a sense of the Beloved's touch.
Now the face of that charred garden
is my field of flowers.

Look, two hundred Jupiters
are dancing around my moon.

My Love business is booming,
but don't credit the consultants.
I am done with the consultants
and the pundits,
they call you Jafar the impostor.
Little do they know,
that you are my Shams the Flyer.

Encircle yourselves with the beauty you seek

Systems Theory


Those that remain will be living on the edge, but that is where the life is most abundant

Other synchs with March 12th


Help reach America!

No one escapes the humiliation, everyone is to blame for what they are getting
In fact, there is none right, no not one

Some turn and blame the other but the hidden intentions of the heart can no longer be hidden

The End of Presumption

Concerning fears and possible coming events and where to place the energy
Monday, March 12, 2012

Concerning PoSsIbLe Future Events

Talk about Right on Time!

Message from the SPIRIT concerning PoSsIbLe Future Events and where to place the attention

Someone got in my twitter and changed the setting to Russian


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