Thursday, April 16, 2020

I was struck to the heart and could not work until I found YOU/MY LIFE

So after those first days in 1993 after being struck to the heart as I had asked the SPIRIT to reach me I found myself in a situation where I could not do anything for the fear. I was afraid to walk to the mailbox. I guess that is why we are all in this situation because of what the SPIRIT and I want to tell you.

After the first experiences that made me realize there was only YOU and I my life I decided to live on the little I had coming in though I had to let go of a lot of things in order to live simply so that I could concentrate on YOU/MY LIFE.
The Gift of Loneliness and Emptiness. The emptiness is not empty http://dnatree.blogspot.com/2019/07/the-memory-of-this-life-synchs-with.html?m=1

So I let go of everything, my car, (later I chose to have a car again) and bills that I could no longer pay and the ones I needed to I trusted the SPIRIT I would have what I needed and if I could not pay it then I would let go of more. The most important thing was to find out why I had "placed myself" on this cross. I made such a simple system that the only bills I had to pay were electric and food and water. I had just enough to live very simply coming in so I could spend every moment allowing the synchs to flow to complete the purpose of this life.

I had no furniture but I had a little table and knew I needed to find out what is on my heart.
What words does this table wish to speak? When four legs and a flat you be form dictates so much of thee This is what this table says to me. like, what is on my heart or, what is on my table. Like an altar from long ago, conveying the things my heart wishes to know. (Stephen Tree)

There was only "this moment" and "what is on my heart"

Business would come back and life would return better as I learned to work very little yet like with SPIRIT which does nothing, yet everything got done. Take the business that we dreamed years later in California where we dreamed it right and worked few hours yet spent all our moments in wonder.
I might add: I was supposed to do this so that those like wife and children could go on and do their thing and through my experience and connection they are in me and I am in them. Therefore there is my own as Moses and Jesus before us this is a natural process of love and family and the father who lays his life down for them.
We are now seeking sponsors to allow us to stay in beautiful sanctuaries and dream this world new for my own and those that remain as I love this world and those in it we just cannot go on without SPIRIT.

related: http://dnatree.blogspot.com/2019/07/the-memory-of-this-life-synchs-with.html

Business came back, but first things first
I have to find YOU/MY LIFE fresh and new
Not in the oldness of the letter but in the fresh newness of SPIRIT

Love is pouring down my ceiling
and my walls.

Once more, it is the night of the full moon,
it is time for madness.
All my immense knowledge
cannot help me now.

Insomnia took my patience.
Rain washed away my intellect.
The Lover made me lose my profession.
What good is my work anyway?

Once more,
rise, rise, rise,
Once more,
rise, rise, rise,
Once more,
rise, rise, rise.

Like the way a garden burns
in a hundred shades of orange in the fall,
a Lover’s heart shrivels for a sense of the Beloved’s touch.
Now the face of that charred garden
is my field of flowers.

Look, two hundred Jupiters
are dancing around my moon.

My Love business is booming,
but don’t credit the consultants.
I am done with the consultants
and the pundits,
they call you Jafar the imposter.

Little do they know,
Little do they know,
that you are my Shams
You are my Shams
the Flyer.

Once more,
rise, rise, rise,
rise, rise, rise,
rise, rise, rise.



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